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Please see below the insurance terms contained in your Standard Self Storage Licence Agreement:

"INSURED CONTRACTOR – If such insurance has been agreed to and purchased

The FO shall take out and maintain a contract of insurance in accordance with a Insurance Schedule document provided to You, on request. This will provide cover for the Goods for the value stated as the full total replacement value of the Goods as new on the cover sheet, this is not a new for old policy.  FO does not carry out any valuation of the Goods and is not responsible for ensuring that the full replacement value as new as stated by You in the cover sheet is an accurate or true valuation of the full replacement value as new of the Goods at any time.  You are responsible for ensuring that insurance cover for the value of Goods insured is maintained at an adequate level throughout the period of this Agreement.  If loss or damage occurs to the Goods as a result of any matter which may result in a claim under FO’s insurance policy, after receipt from You of a written request to notify a claim, FO will notify its insurer promptly of the claim.  For the purposes of processing any such claim, You shall provide FO, FO’s insurer or any of its agents appointed to investigate such claim (such as a loss adjuster) with such information and evidence as may reasonably be required in relation to the claim. FO shall pay or arrange for payment to You that part of any proceeds of any claim made by FO which relates to damage or loss to the Goods after deduction of any outstanding sums due to FO from You.  In the event that FO makes a claim under its insurance policy in respect of loss or damage to the Goods, You acknowledge that FO’s liability to make any payments to You in relation to such claim is restricted to payment to You of the amount that FO recovers from its insurer under its insurance policy in relation to the Goods. Whilst FO will notify claims to its insurer, FO is not under any circumstances obliged to start or threaten to start any legal proceedings in relation to any such claim. Nothing in this Agreement shall make or be deemed to make FO Your agent. If You fail to pay any insurance charges then any insurance cover in respect of the Goods will cease immediately from the date such charges are due."